Couples Challenge Results

Josh and I recently conducted an 8 week Couples Challenge that included a customized diet, training program, cardio program, and supplement recommendations! In addition, the couples checked in with us every 2 weeks with pictures and measurements as well as having infinite access to us throughout the entire 8 weeks. We could not pick one winner, so we picked four couples. Below, please find all before and afters of various contestants as well as the winners

We will also be holding another contest, sign ups will begin October 1 and the contest will start October 5th

Winner 1: Kianna and Curtis


I cant believe its been 8 weeks already!!
I have been going to the gym consistently for 4 years now, and have gained quiet a bit of muscle over that time but I always struggled with my diet. I was basically in the gym so I could eat. I started counting my macros in March of 2015 hoping to shred body fat and maintain my muscle, you know, get ready for beach season. I lost a few pounds but I wasn't where I wanted to be and I wasn't making any progress i was stuck....for months. So I went into this challenge thinking that I would shed fat but probably would lose a lot of my muscle that I worked so hard to get over the last 4 years....Man was i wrong!!! I have maintained pretty much all my muscle and have shredded so much more body fat then I was even expecting! I am absolutely amazed with my results.
This was definitely challenging, I had my ups and downs and I craved a lot of ice cream. The first 2 weeks were the worst, I wasn't hungry but i just didn't want to eat what was on my meal plan. i stuck with it though. after our first cheat meal, which was a hamburg and sweet potato fries,i had never felt so sick, i actually puked. I never wanted to feel that way again. The next 6 weeks were so much easier! I stuck right with my meal plan, starting taking natural strength (witch I swear is a miracle pill) and loved all the workouts you gave us!  It was so nice to switch up my gym routine, I tried new things, I sweat way more and I felt way better after the end of every workout.

I have had to listen to people judge and tell me that i don't need to even be working out, i've shut that all out and it only encourages me to go even harder. And actually its funny cause now they are all asking me what i've been doing and for some tips for annoying. lol oh well. There will always be haters.

Throughout this Challenge i have learned what it means to really push myself,  to work towards my goals and it feels so good to actually be able to see a difference. I have been reading my personal trainer book throughout this challenge and it is SO cool to see our bodies change, to understand the science behind it all, to know how different foods will affects different things. Sarah you have inspired me so much more then I can thank you for, you have shown me what I am capable of and have pushed me towards my goals. I will continue with this plan until I have reached my goal.  And I would absolutely love competing one day, with your help of course :p 

Thank you for all your encouragement, time and effort you have put into me reaching my goals. And thank you for actually caring and listening!  You and Josh truly are amazing and 2 great people to look up too. 


July 22nd start
Weight 224
Neck 17
Shoulders 50
Chest 44, flex 46.5
Stomach 37.5
Waist 35.5
Hips 43
Right arm 15.5, flex 16.5
Left arm 15.5, flex 16
Right quad 26.5
Left quad 25.5
Calves 15.5

September 21st Finish
Weight 196!!!
Neck 15.5
Shoulders 49
Chest 42, flex 45
Stomach 33
Waist 33
Hips 40
Right arm 15 flex 15.5
Left arm 15 flex 15.5
Right quad 25
Left quad 24.5
Calves 15.3

I just want to thank you guys so much!! In no way did I think I could completely transform my body this quickly in 8 weeks. I feel better, look better, work harder, sleep better, and obviously am eating better!! I have been lifting for about 10 years and have just recently got into the nutrition part of it by macro dieting.

My wife and I love this lifestyle and want to make it a career eventually just like you and Sarah. All of your insight, tips, and tricks have helped me understand so much especially while I started my CPT course and this couples challenge the same week! We had about 3 cheat meals total. We have been completely dedicated and committed to this for 8 weeks and we do not want to stop.

We are motivated and our biggest goal is to make money by being an influence and providing fitness to people that need help. We have both talked about competing as well. I think we deserve to win this challenge because I am so proud of my wife and how this challenge has actually improved our marriage. We didn't have time to go out and hang out with other people. I've been on a crazy work schedule. 13 hr shifts almost every day for over a month. We would then come home meal prep, go to the gym, and then sleep. We became absolute best friends and are so much closer than we were. This is our perfect hobby.

Winner 2: Sarah and Nick


Can't believe the couple's challenge is over already, I wish it kept going! I'm super excited to share my final results with you, but before that I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for helping me to learn the right way to go about diet and exercise, and teaching me how to finally start working towards the lofty goals I've set for myself.  I've wanted to work with you for a while, ever since I saw your first posts about when you were in college, and the unhealthy habits you held back then.  I knew that you would be the right trainer because you could understand where I came from.  During my senior year of college and into my first year post-grad I battled anorexia and bulimia.  It gets a bad rep, and a lot of people don't understand the mental struggles of it, and that it truly wasn't just a "choice" I made, it went deeper than that.  By the time I decided to get help I was 5'8" and only 104 lbs and 4% body fat, and in danger of developing health issues.  In the year following that, it was a major struggle for me to put on weight again and especially for me to put on weight and be okay with it, as well as difficult to convince my friends and family that I was really trying, and that after time, I would be able to recover.  After about a year my weight ballooned back above where I was before I became sick in the first place, my metabolism was molasses-slow, and I was struggling.  This was when I met my boyfriend (and partner in the challenge) Nick.  He was so encouraging and supportive and non-judgmental, and over time, my weight steadied out.  I wasn't happy though because I wanted to be better than just average, and prove to everyone that I meant what I said, and that I could become so healthy and strong, and they were all going to regret ever doubting me.  I wanted them to look up to a strong woman, who they looked down on when I was at my lowest.  I began educating myself as much as I could at that point and trying to eat healthier, incorporate weight lifting in my workouts, but a year later I still wanted so badly to take it to the next level.  So, for my 24th birthday I told Nick I wanted my gift from him to be his partnership with me in a 2-month ass-kicking from Sarah and Josh Bowmar (I'm still shocked he agreed).  Now that it's over I'm amazed at how far Nick and I have come, and I'm so proud.  You and Josh were so responsive and dedicated to us and I'm sure all your other clients, so I thank you so much for that! We feel better than we ever have, and personally, I feel stronger, more confident, and more sure of myself and my abilities than I ever did when I counted calories and made myself a slave to the elliptical.  My only regret is that I didn't do this with you sooner.  Nick and I have already decided that we want to continue with the diet, and start back at day 1 with the couple's plan.  I couldn't imagine NOT doing it every day now.  And while I've wanted to do a fitness competition for over 2 years now, I actually feel like I could do it...and even Nick suggested he and I go in on it together haha!  Of course, I hope we win and we get that opportunity to work with you and Josh for another 6 months, but even if we don't, I'm endlessly grateful for the path you've put me on.  

Sorry for my ramble, I know how busy you are, but I wanted you to know how much this has meant to me :) without further delay, Here are my final stats:

          Start                             8/10/15                         8/24/15                         9/8/15                9/21/15
Weight           137.5                             134.4                           132.6                 130.4                  128
Shoulders       39.5"                             39.5"                            41"                     40"                    40.5"
Hips               38.5"                             37.25"                          37"                     35"                    37"
Chest             33"                                33"                              32.5"                   33"                    33.5"
Waist             26.5"                              27"                             25.5"                   25.5"                  25.5"
Quads            21"                                19"                             19"                      21"                     20"
Calves           13.75"                            13.5"                           13"                      12.5"                  13"
Body Fat        17.7%                            Unknown                     Unknown            Unknown               14.5% 

Winner 3: Vinny and Allison


Seriously Sarah, I can't even begin to describe how happy I am. Thank you for being amazing, and thank you for knowing exactly what you're doing unlike most coaches. These results are amazing, and I cannot believe it at all. I've lost 3 inches on my waist, and I've lost 3 inches on my legs. You turned my problem area, my legs, into my new favorite part about myself. I can't even begin to explain how much knowledge that you and Josh have given Vinny and I. We find ourselves constantly learning every step of the way through Periscrope and Instagram. I'm so grateful I found your page, and I know for a fact that I will continue to use all of your videos and programs in the future. Just thank you, so so so so much. I have so many people asking me how I did it, and I will be directing them exactly to you. I literally started tearing up when I saw the picture, you're officially my hero. Thank you.


Here are my 8 week results for the couples challenger! I honestly can't believe how much my body and habits have changed over this time frame. I honestly have never been able to stick to this diet and have a consistent workout plan I was satisfied with. You have been very helpful with everything and always reachable no matter what. I want to continue this lifestyle and continue to sculpt the body I want. I am very happy with here I am but want to be better. I've noticed growth in my chest and shoulder which has always been difficult for me. When you have a chance I want to discuss what types of plans you have!

Winner 4: Max and Paris


Chest: 34 3/4 to 34
Waist: 28 to 25
Left: 19 to 18
Right: 20 1/2 to 19 1/2
Calf: 13 1/2 to 13 1/2
Hips: 31 1/2 to 29 1/2
Weight: 125 to 127


First off I just want to let you know how much of an inspiration you are to me. You are so real and down to earth and inspire thousands of people! I am kind of obsessed with your Instagram and periscope. It makes my day watching new videos and learning new things. I am so glad you have offered this couples challenge because you have no idea how much this has changed me. Before starting the couples challenge I was obsessed with my body weight. I am not even exaggerating I would weigh myself hourly and would not eat if I did not like the number on the scale. It consumed my life. I didn't eat much or drink much because I was afraid of gaining weight. I wasn't eating and was still not happy with my body. I decided to try something new and try to get over my fears of the scale and eating enough food. 8 weeks later after making the best decision to do this, I no longer weigh myself besides the 2 week updates and the number on the scale means nothing to me anymore. I weigh more after these 8 weeks, but I looked so much better which proves the scale means nothing! I realized progress pictures are all that matters. The number on the scale means nothing. I now eat 6 meals a day and drink a gallon of water. Thank you for saving me from my mind and fears. You have shown me so much through your Instagram and I am beyond thankful for your help! Cannot wait to continue getting stronger and healthy thanks to you! Xoxo


My girlfriend Paris and I are very happy we devoted our time to the bowmar program!  It was nice to have a workout partner to do the same intense workouts day in and day out. It was a lot easier to stay consistent with my diet when I was doing it with her everyday.   It was hard to see my daily improvements, but the 2 week progress pictures were very satisfying. I felt I had more energy and was skeptical about the high amount of carbs, but have realized it was very helpful. My outlook has grown and I have changed my perspective to the mindset that "fitness has no destination, it is simply a lifestyle which I plan to continue everyday!

Couple: Monica and Mario


This Couples Challenge has been a phenomenal experience for me on many different levels and has changed my life in many different aspects.

This challenge has strengthened my relationship with my husband more than ever. The countless hours in the kitchen cooking, washing dishes, grocery shopping, watching you tube videos and doing homework together for the next day’s training…..were endless, but were always fun because we were doing it together. The heightened emotions we shared of being hangry, frustration we felt from the process and wondering if were doing things right or wrong. The passion and love we both gained from our successes and interest in the fitness world has become our new way of life. To say I couldn’t have done this without my husband and vice versa probably would be unrealistic because I think we both could have done the challenge on our own and been successful. Although, the gratification of sharing gains with your best friend, husband, and companion is so much more meaningful on a deeper level and will always be remembered, especially because this journey has not ended for the both of us.

Seeing this was our first challenge and attempt to be on a cut, as if we were prepping to compete, made me learn some seriousdiscipline. I’m so much stronger than I thought, both physically and mentally. The saying “mind over matter,” makes so much more sense to me. I’ve become much stronger and mindful of having self- control and making the right decision of what goes into my body, not to mention the effect it will have on my body.

This competition has made me learn patience, and to learn how to trust the process. While at the same time, there are about 1 million different theories and strategies to doing cuts and bulks. Although, the most important is to learn what your body needs. It’s all trial and error and determine what you respond to.

Most of all this challenge has heightened my enthusiasm for my future endeavors in the world of fitness. Seeing I’m a couple years away from the big 40, I am still contemplating competing, also possibly becoming a trainer for the older fit generation, and preparing for what I enjoy most during my retirement years. Most importantly stay a role model for our 19 year old son who is slowly and steady becoming more interested in our routine and diet due to our gains…..


I really have a passions for working out, keeping my body and mind healthy and really taking care of my overall wellbeing. The challenge helped me pursue this passion even harder, it challenged my mind more than my body.  Countless times I had to keep my focus, keep my will power in check. Not get emotionally defeated, not get mentally exhausted with the whole process.  Not getting depressed or discouraged when I didn’t get the results I was expecting.  Absolutely controlling those feelings was a challenge in its self.

My wife and I learned to be our own support systems. Being there for each other during the struggles. This challenge has certainly challenged my marriage in a favorable way. It has brought us so much closer and revealed so much more of ourselves, especially in our bad moments for sure! Patience and understanding was unquestionably key!
Not just in myself, my marriage but in my family this has been a great experience.  This challenge has brought a lot of influence, and a lot of inspiration.  Family support was super important, being around them is what my wife and I needed at times. Just having that support from them help tremendously. Also seeing what kind of progress my wife and I made, inclined them to do the same with their health.  It’s gratifying to see that we can help other people! 

Couple: Ryan and Jordan

Start: 110.4 lbs
Finish: 113.4 lbs

Coming into this challenge, I honestly thought after 8 weeks I would be ripped. I obviously wasn't being realistic. I've learned that this is an ongoing process, not a quick fix. Sarah, you have instilled in me an abundance of knowledge that I will carry with me throughout my entire journey. It's not one or the other; it's both fitness AND nutrition working together that create changes. I have come to realize that I am my own competition and I am stronger than I ever thought I was, mentally as well as physically. I'm also very pleased with where I am at and knowing that it will only keep getting better from here on out. I always just thought I would just be that skinny girl who couldn't build muscle no matter how hard I tried. You have completely changed my outlook. Thank you and Josh so much for creating this challenge and being so supportive through it all. My husband and I have sincerely enjoyed doing this together with you two as our coaches and we can't wait to see where we're at in another 8 weeks!

Couple: Bridget and Erik

Couple: Matt and Jessica

Couple: Ross and Shannon

Couple: Slade and Kori

Couples Challenge Results Couples Challenge Results Reviewed by Unknown on 10:21 Rating: 5

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