Post Show Mental Stability

So you just had a show. And you were lean as hell. And now you want to eat. Who doesn't. Some simple tricks to not completely reversing all your hard work post show:
1- ENJOY yourself post show, yes. Make sure your meal is PLANNED and you don't have a ton of goodies at the hotel or in your suitcase- just allow yourself a meal
2- before you indulge, take a carb blocker. The carb blocker is also amazing for treat meals- see an earlier post about that
3- take a diuretic before you indulge too, even if you weren't during peak week. you pulled water at some point and if you drown your organs, you will regret it
4- now that you have those pills in your body, DRINK water before you indulge, it will really help you to not explode
5- be smart about what you're eating and begin the cycle of reverse dieting

For me, we had sushi and I FINALLY got to give in to my biggest craving ever, the nutrilite 1 carb cinnamon roll bar. May not seem like a treat to most but to me it was all I was thinking about during the last few weeks of prep.

Post Show Mental Stability Post Show Mental Stability Reviewed by Unknown on 15:01 Rating: 5

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