Summer Challenge Results

Below, please find a handful of my Part 1 Summer Challenge contestants and their amazing progress photos and reviews/what the challenge did for them! I couldn't be ore proud of everyone who completed this challenge!!!
This was an 8 week challenge where all contestants received a custom diet, workout plan, cardio plan, supplement recommendations, and coaching from me the entire way! I will be holding another challenge in the fall and am always accepting clients on

Hi Sarah here are my final pictures thank you so much for all your help and your amazing plan ! I have actually learned so much this past 8 weeks mostly about my self and about what eating clean really is. I have found a new love for a avacado and egg whites lol which now have become a staple in my diet. To be honest I fell off the wagon several times over the past 8 weeks from living off peanut butter sandwiches in Panama for a week  to starting a new full time night line at work. Although with every set back I've learned to remind myself of where I was physically and emotionally in the beginning and to just get back up and start again. I don't have one single regret from joining this challenge and I think it is honestly the best money Iv ever spent !.... But I like to think some of that money is funding your new garden ;) I really hope you do more of these challenges.  It really gave me something to work towards everyday And assuming you have high expectations of your clients to push themselves as hard as possible I found was pretty motivating. Your such an inspiration and I really do admire all your hard work! 

I want to start by thanking you SO MUCH for giving me this amazing opportunity to find a love for fitness and being healthy. This challenge has taught me so much about myself and how I can overcome the littlest things like adding more weight to my lift sessions or putting down the extra dessert that Id normally eat because I was already full. I know it may seem like I should be mortified that I gained weight, but I know it was the muscle I gained in my legs (which I've gotten so many complements on since starting the challenge) and my not so noodle arms! This challenge taught me to have patience and determination and in the end I will achieve my goals. 


Hey Sarah!!!! 
I just want to say thank you for being such an inspiration for me to start this journey!!  I am so proud of myself for completing and staying with this challenge. It has changed my mindset on how I see myself. I love when people ask me if I'm still on my diet now because at the beginning I would say yes and that is was for 8 weeks but now I just say yes but this is a lifestyle change and I not going to just stop. I feel so much better about myself and more confident. I love seeing how my body can change. I started at 170 pounds and today I weighed myself and I'm at 158. This is such an accomplishment because I know I didn't just lose weight but I have gained muscle also. 

This challenge did so many wonderful things for me. Initially I signed up as a way to reorganize my lifts and really push myself after my 16th surgery, because I was struggling to get my strength and motivation back. Within the first week, I was seeing my strength returning, my mood turning around, and I was gaining so much muscle because I was finally fueling my body correctly! It was incredible to see the changes taking place. Thanks to your support, I also noticed that my confidence was increasing, and it showed at work. So much that the general manager at my gym asked if I would consider teaching core classes, and this morning I actually taught a HIIT strength class. I also was asked to lead the warm-ups for Storm the Bastille race, and though I'm nervous, I'm ready to push myself farther in all of my endeavors. It's been an exhilarating experience getting to know this side of myself. My goal every day is to beat the girl I was yesterday. Even if I don't win this challenge, I definitely know that, with your support, I accomplished so much more than I set out to. Thank you so much. 

Hi Sarah - This program has been truly life changing for me! I feel absolutely amazing & I have the tools that I need to continue on this journey/lifestyle, the past 8 weeks may be over but this is truly just the beginning. I no longer have to browse IG fitness models and wish to look like them - with hard work and dedication I know I can get there too, 8 weeks ago I was very skeptical but figured what do I have to lose & now here I am 8 weeks later and I've only made gains toward my health/fitness goals (thanks to you & your awesome program)! I have so much confidence now & that is what I was truly seeking, I am happy with myself & it makes life so much easier when you love who you are! For a long time I've avoided pictures because I was never happy with how I looked & just the other day I took a selfie & sent it to my sister & she said "wow, you look truly happy!" & I was able to say that I truly am! This program hasn't been easy, but it has been beyond worth it, I appreciate all that you do for your clients! :) thanks again!

This program definitely started off really hard for me, food wise.  I was struggling staying full and debating whether or not it was for me.  A few times I fell off and cheated but I got right back up and went harder.  I have gotten ridiculous results.  I mean honestly, these before/after pics are amazing to me!   
So here are my results:
Last time I did body fat was 6 weeks ago and it was 14%
I feel AMAZING!  I love your workouts and that tuna/avocado/rice combo is so so good!
Thanks girl!!!!  Thank you so much for this amazing transformation!  I feel so damn good in my bikinis now

I don't even know where to start. I guess just THANK YOU--for being the role model that you are, for being real and genuine and letting your followers/clients see that, and of course for being an amazing coach throughout this process. I'm so happy I stumbled on your IG a few months ago. I never would have thought I would be in this state, not just physically but also mentally. I'm very happy with myself and I can honestly say that I love my body. I love that I can control how I want my body to look, that I don't need to let food or the scale or anything else dictate how I see my self. I've learned SO much during these 8 weeks. I'm never going back to where I started. This is definitely a lifestyle change and I'm so ready to make this MY lifestyle. I feel like a different person--a better, happier, and more confident me. I can't wait to see how else I can improve myself after this challenge. Thank you so much for everything. You've made an impact in me, and I couldn't have asked for a better coach. I hope I made you proud :)

Here are my measurements and pics!!! (I also included some pics I took throughout the 8 weeks)

start of challenge --> now
Weight: 157.5 lbs --> 149.5 lbs
Shoulders: 19 in --> 16 in
Chest: 37 in --> 35.4 in
Hips: 39 in --> 34.5 in
Waist: 30.5 in --> 28 in
Arm: 12.5 in --> 12 in
Quad: 23 in --> 21.5
Calf: 15 in --> 14.5 in

Wow, I cannot believe that it has been 8 weeks since I began this challenge.   When I chose to join I was at a low point as far as my health goes.  I am a full time college student that got slightly lost this past year between school, work, and interning.  Because of how busy I was I put my health on the back burner.  I would go to the gym when I had time and would meal prep if I had the chance and the funds to do so.  Last September I lost my best friend in a car accident, this March I lost my nephew to Epilepsy and my cat of 20 years to old age.  To say the very least I was in a dark place for awhile and I began to realize I had gain a few pounds was not happy with how I felt.  I was becoming self conscious about my appearance and lacked energy to do anything.  I missed being in the gym but I couldn't find the motivation to get up and go because I had let myself go for so long.  Towards the end of the spring semester I saw you post on IG about your summer challenge and I immediately began plotting.  I had been saving up all year in order to afford my summer tuition payment but I had decided I needed to do something about my health.  So after sitting on the idea of joining for a few days, I took the jump and signed up.

At the beginning of the challenge things were a little difficult for me as far as the meal plan due to emptying my bank account for tuition (literally had .52 cents to my name), but I managed to make it work.  Once I got my first check after that I was all set to fully dedicate myself to your program.  Throughout the past 8 weeks I have felt myself improve in so many aspects.  I have always had a competitive personality but this challenge taught me that the only person I need to be better than is myself.  Each day I pushed as much as possible because I knew the results I wanted and the work that was required to achieve it.  I held myself accountable by resisting temptations and making sure to find time no matter what to fit my workouts in when needed which meant that some nights I was in the gym at 1 am because I had to work the entire day.  I mad sacrifices I never thought I would be capable of making (like cutting out some of my favorite foods).  This challenge brought me back to a place of true happiness. I have always loved fitness and nutrition but I have always had difficulty "finding time".

All in all, to answer your question of what this challenge did for me.... it helped me find myself again.  This challenge has allowed me to grow not only physically but mentally.  I now know I have the will power and determination to do what it takes to reach my goals even outside of a physical aspect.  I am constantly doubting my abilities and this challenge has instilled in me a belief in myself and that I am able to do anything if I want it bad enough.  Regardless of the outcome of this challenge I already feel like a winner because of the hurdles I have already jumped and I will continue to go until I meet my goals and when that point comes I will set new ones and keep it going.

Thank you so much for helping me find myself again and for guiding me back to a healthy lifestyle.  You set the foundation for my fitness journey and now it is time for me to continue to build on it.


I just want to say THANK YOU for putting together an awesome, straight forward plan that was so easy to follow. At first I was very nervous as to whether or not I'd be able to stick to this plan (I am very insecure both mentally and physically) but I was for the most part able to overcome that feeling. Before the program I used to think I was eating pretty well and doing the right kinds of workouts. This program was definitely humbling and I learned that I was not controlling my eating enough and I wasn't choosing the right foods either. I also learned I was doing too much in the gym in terms of lifting (hour and a half sessions) and not enough cardio. I was so happy when I was already seeing and feeling results after just the first few days and that really helped to keep me on track. I had one slip up when I was out of town with my family for a weekend but I learned from it and have since been able to stay on track and better control my junk-food cravings when I am surrounded by those foods and people who arent following this type of a meal plan. Not on that, but I just feel like crap when I did have my cheat meals or a treat. Your program has helped train my body to run better on whole, nutritious foods rather than the junk I would often eat before. My proudest moments were when I laid on my floor after I got home from the gym and my boyfriend said "oh my God I can see your abs!" and when I attempted to do ONE chin-up, a goal of mine for a while now, and did THREE!!! You are so inspirational on social media and your posts motivate me to keep up the hard work and continue to work toward my goals. I know that its only been 8 weeks and I'm no where close to my dream body but I also know that this is not a temporary program, its a lifestyle change that I can keep up with and reach my goals in the future.

Thank you so much for an awesome program and the inspiration to make the progress that I made. I plan to continue to better myself and keep working toward my goals.

Measurements: START // END
Waist: 30//26.5
Hips: 40//38
Quad: 24//22.5
Calves: 15//14.5
Bicep: 12//11.5
Neck: 14//13
Chest: 35//33

Weight: START // END

Pictures below:

This challenge has created an opportunity to completely change my habits.  Prior to this challenge, I tried to eat well and work out often, but with no real purpose or dedication.  As soon as I began, I KNEW this was something I could definitely commit to – I have tried countless programs and personal trainers with minimal or no long term success.

With this challenge, I not only changed my body, but I also changed my mental and emotional health.  I struggle daily with Binge Eating Disorder and Compulsive Eating – your meal plan has eliminated the “want” of food and made my life easier!  By eating every 2 ½ - 3 hours and eating a high protein diet, I rarely crave food!

I was able to stick to this plan through thick and thin – I am a full time student, work part time, and balance a healthy social life. Things that once triggered bad eating or skipped gym times have turned into the drive I need to get my butt in there and get it done!

I love how I feel and I love the results I’ve gotten in just 8 short weeks - I look forward to additional progress as I work with you post-challenge! J

PS – This is the first time people have actually noticed a difference in my appearance.. so rewarding!

I wanted to send you my two month results. I've been in the military for 5 years now, living the military lifestyle with lots of physical training, but I've never been so happy with myself. It feels awesome to actually feel good! Thank you for everything!!!

Summer Challenge Results Summer Challenge Results Reviewed by Unknown on 21:07 Rating: 5

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